Physiotherapy specialization in Canada: an update.

Because of a perceived need for specialization within the profession, the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) accepted the concept of specialization for physiotherapists, during its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in June 1985. A proposal concerning the implementation of specialization (termed the "Specialization Document"), will be presented to the 1986 AGM for approval by the Association's voting delegates. This paper provides a brief outline of the document's contents, including: the structure of the proposed Canadian College of Physiotherapy, which will oversee the certification process; the role of the CPA Divisions in establishing specialty councils; and the mechanism whereby certification will be granted, touching on such factors as eligibility for certification, evaluation of competence, recertification, and cost. The specialization document makes provision, in the initial stages of specialization, for an Implementation Committee, whose task will be to define the criteria necessary for the establishment of the College's standards for specialization and certification. Specialization does not mean that all therapists must become certified specialists; certification will neither prohibit nonspecialists from practising in a specified area nor relegate certified specialists to practising only in special areas in which they are certified. The CPA Board of Directors supports certification because it is designed to promote the highest quality of health care by physiotherapists, while promoting the growth of physiotherapy theory and practice through a critical evaluation of current and potential treatment methodology. Because of the many steps necessary for a careful and logical development of the specialization methodology, it is expected that final approval of the certification process will require many years to achieve.
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