Актуальные вопросы обеспечения эпидемиологической безопасности по природно-очаговым инфекциям в период проведения XXII Олимпийских и XI Паралимпийских зимних игр в Сочи

The paper contains the data on the morbidity rates as regards natural-focal infectious diseases and results of epizootiological monitoring in the locality of the XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic Winter Games-2014 in Sochi. It is demonstrated that the significant ones in the infectious disease incidence chart are hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, Ixodidae tick-borne borrelioses, pseudotuberculosis, intestinal yersiniosis, leptospiroses, rabies, rickettsiosis, and tularemia. Represented are the data on the peculiarities of a number of regional pathogenic strains. Noted is fact that complex activities, which were carried out by the agencies and institutions of the Rospotrebnadzor, Krasnodar Territory and Sochi resort-town Administration, allowed for the stabilization of the situation on natural-focal infections.
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