Гематологічні показники та морфологічна характеристика селезінки самок щурів f1 за дії наногерманію цитрату, застосованого у різних дозах

The article presents results of drinking by female rats the water contained different doses of nanogermanium citrate (NGeC). Studies performed on laboratory rats females F1, divided into 5 groups: I – control, II group – aqueous solution of citric acid at a dose 50 µg; III – 10µg Ge; IV – 20µg Ge; V – 200 µg of Ge per kg of body weight. Defined hematological parameters, weight and index mass and histological changes in spleen. From blood leucogram was еstablished that rats from group II, III and IV had incresed the amount of neutrophils and eosinophils. Animals Group V biased marked decrease of lymphocytes and eosinophils, certain decrease of monocytes and increase of neutrophils. Index mass of spleen biased increased in animals IV and V groups. Prolonged drink to female rats aqueous solution of NGeC at a dose of 10 µg/kg promoted the growth of number cells of white pulp and the formation lymph nodes with reactive centers. This indicates an active limphopoetic function of spleen. But a dose of 200 µg/kg – led to structural disorder that manifested hyperemia, edema, easing trabecular content and reduced lymphocytes, macrophages and microphages of white pulp. This points to the dysfunction lymphocytopoiesis.
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