Vegetarian Infants and Complementary Feeding

Abstract The second semester of the infant's life is a dynamic phase: infants are ready to gradually introduce solid foods and to complement breast-feeding. Parents and caregivers have a crucial role in the complementary feeding period, during which their child starts to acquire their diet mode and starts to explore the huge variety of different foods. A well-planned ovolactovegetarian complementary feeding is recommended to ensure the infant a sufficient amount of energy, proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and of all micronutrients, in particular of iron, calcium, and B 12 vitamin. In more restrictive vegetarian complementary feeding, and in particular in vegan diets, infants should be supplemented to avoid deficiencies. The introduction of solid foods should follow the same principles and timing as for nonvegetarian infants. Up to 6 months, exclusive and, later on, complemented breast-feeding is recommended. In the first year of life, infants who cannot be breast-fed should receive follow-up formula and absolutely no other preparations that are not adapted.
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