Differential activation of interferon regulatory factors-3 and -7 by non-cytopathogenic and cytopathogenic bovine viral diarrhoea virus.

Abstract Non-cytopathogenic bovine viral diarrhoea virus (ncpBVDV) has previously been shown to inhibit the function of interferon regulatory factor-3 in cultured cells [J. Virol. 76 (2002) 8979]. In this study, we show that, like ncpBVDV, when cells were previously exposed to cytopathogenic BVDV (cpBVDV) the appearance of an IRF-3–DNA complex from nuclear extracts that can be induced by heterologous virus infection was not observed. Infection of cells with ncpBVDV or cpBVDV resulted in neither the translocation of IRF-7 from the cytoplasm to the nucleus of infected cells, nor an inhibition of its nuclear translocation in cells super-infected by Semliki Forest Virus. We conclude that cpBVDV and ncpBVDV both share the ability to inhibit the full function of IRF-3 but neither stimulate or block the nuclear uptake of IRF-7.
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