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Y. E. Vinogradova, O. V. Margolin, V. V. Tichonova, A. G. TurkinaSUMMARY A combination of two rare diseases: T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma (T-LBL) and chronic eosinophilic leukemia (CEL) with chromosomal anomaly is presented in this article. A patient is a man 33 years old. Areas of defeat involve all the lymphatic nodes, the liver, the spleen, the anterior mediasti-num, the pleura and the lungs. Immunophenotype of atipical lymphocytes: CD10+, CD1а+, CD7+, CD2+, CD43+, CD3-, CD5+, CD4+, CD8+, C38+. Ki-67 — 77 %. Eosinophilia reveals in the blood and the bone marrow. The diagnosis CEL is verified by means of molecular genetic research (the chimeric gene FIP1L1-PDGFRA). Complete remission is received for T-LBL by means of polychemotherapy within 2.5 years and for CEL by means of gliveс (Imatinib). Literary data on the new differentiation of long existing hypere-osinophilia: the hypereosinophilic syndrom and the chronic eosinophilic leukemia (the new WHO classification).Keywords: T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma, chronic eosinophilic leuke-mia, gliveс, gene FIP1L1-PDGFRA.Research Hematology Center of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, MoscowКонтакты: jvinogr@blood.ruПринято в печать: 21 ноября 2009 г.
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