Transmission device and electric motor brake booster

The invention relates to a transmission device with a worm shaft (10) having an electric motor is set into a rotary motion, a with a first pinion (16a) connected to the first worm wheel (12a) and one with a second pinion (16b) connected to the second worm wheel (12b) which the worm shaft (10) contact such that the first worm wheel (12a) and the first pinion (16a) about a common first axis of rotation (18a) and the second worm wheel (12b) and the second pinion (16b) second about a common axis of rotation (18b) are rotatable and an adjustable piston (10), rotated by means of the first axis of rotation (18a) of the first pinion (16a) and about the second axis of rotation (18b) rotated second pinion (16b) along an adjustment axis (22 ) is adjustable and is floatingly performed so that the adjustable plunger (20) is perpendicular (to the adjustment axis 22) is adjustable by a floating path of at least 0.6mm. In addition, the invention relates to an electromotive brake booster.
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