Aspectos epidemiológicos, sorológicos e moleculares das hepatites A, B e C em crianças e adolescentes matriculados em creches e escolas do ensino infantil e fundamental da rede municipal na cidade de Santos

As hepatites virais continuam sendo uma preocupacao em nivel de saude publica no Brasil e no Mundo, tanto pelo numero de individuos atingidos, como pela possibilidade de complicacao das formas agudas e cronicas. Segundo a Organizacao Mundial de Saude (OMS), 170 milhoes de pessoas sao portadoras cronicas de hepatite C e 350 milhoes portadoras cronicas de hepatite B. No Brasil, a estimativa de portadores de hepatite B cronica e de aproximadamente 600 mil pessoas e de hepatite C cronica, 1,5 milhao. Quanto a hepatite aguda A foram confirmados no pais, em 2010, 5943 casos. O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer a prevalencia de marcadores sorologicos dos virus das hepatites A, B e C em criancas e adolescentes matriculados em creches e escolas de ensino infantil e fundamental da rede municipal na cidade de Santos; conhecer os aspectos moleculares dos virus das hepatites B e C, identificando o genotipo dos dois agentes e estudar modo de aquisicao nos casos com sorologias positivas. Tratou-se de um estudo transversal realizado no periodo de 28 de Junho a 14 de Dezembro de 2007 onde foram coletadas 4680 amostras de sangue colhidas atraves de puncao capilar e ao mesmo tempo aplicado um questionario nos familiares das criancas e adolescentes. Os exames sorologicos foram realizados utilizando a tecnica de ELISA. O estudo molecular foi realizado pela tecnica de reacao em cadeia de polimerase "in House". A idade da populacao estudada variou de 7 meses a 18 anos e 1 m. A prevalencia geral do anti-HVA IgG reagente foi de 9,7% e desses 74,6% foi anti-HVA IgM reagente. A prevalencia de anti-HVA IgG foi maior entre as criancas mais velhas, meninas, aquelas que brincavam em corregos, sem esgoto em sua moradia, de pais com baixa instrucao, de baixa renda familiar e aquelas que nao eram moradoras da Orla... Viral hepatitis are still a concern in the public health level in Brazil and around the Word, due both to the number of affected subjects and the possibility of complication in the acute and chronic forms. According to the World Health organization (WHO), 170 million people are chronic carriers of hepatitis C and 350 million chronic carriers of hepatitis B. In Brasil, the estimate of people with chronic hepatitis B is approximately 600 thousand people and chronic hepatitis C, 1,5 million. It has been confirmed in the country, in 2010, 5943 cases of acute hepatitis A. The The aim of this study was to learn the prevalence of serological markers of hepatitis A, B and C virus in children and teenagers enrolled at the municipal education network in the city of Santos, to learn molecular aspects of hepatitis B and C, identifying the genotype of the two agents and to study the acquisition mode in cases with positive serology. Cross-sectional study carried out over the period from June 28 to December 14, 2007, in which 4680 fingerprick blood samples were collected; at the same time, a survey questionnaire was applied to the family members of the children and teenagers. The serological tests were performed using the ELISA technique. The molecular analysis was performed using the technique of polymerase chain reaction "in House". Age of the population studied ranged from 7 months to 18 years and 1 month. . The general prevalence of serological markers anti-HAV IgG reagent was 9.7% and between them 74,7% was anti-HAV IgM reagent. There was higher prevalence among older children, females, those who used to play in streams near their home, the absence of a sewage system in home, parents with low education, low household income and among those who did not live in the seashore. The prevalence of anti-HAV IgM was not different between the categories, except for the age (peak in the early years and subsequent fall) and lower on the Hills and Northweast Zone. ...
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