Continuous Crystallization in a Helically Coiled Flow Tube: Analysis of Flow Field, Residence Time Behavior, and Crystal Growth

A continuously operated helically coiled flow tube (HCT) crystallizer is investigated for crystal growth. Inline video-imaging is used for crystal shape analysis and residence time estimation of potash alum. The main finding is that there is a size-dependent particle residence time. Large particles move faster through the HCT than small particles. Consequently, small crystals have more time to grow in the HCT. Physical reasons for this behavior are proposed, for example, small-scale flow characteristics. In a direct numerical simulation of the instationary Navier–Stokes equations, velocity fluctuations and a secondary flow are identified. The presented flow field may have a different impact on the particles and cause the size-dependent particle residence time. A particle size dependent residence time may potentially narrow the crystal size and shape distribution in such a process, frequently a desired feature in solids’ production.
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