Distance Cautious IP - A Systematic Approach in VANETS

VANET is a decentralized network that allows the vehicles to communicate with each other for providingsafety warning, traffic management and driver assistance systems. Vehicular IP in Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (VIP-WAVE)has characterized the IP configuration for extended andnon-extended IP services, and amobilitymanagement scheme supportedby Proxy Mobile IPv6 over WAVE.As the vehicular networks are formed even in remote areas with inadequate power source, the units have power constraints which are overcome by power control in the proposed system .The objective of the paper is to improve the quality of the network by providing internet accesswith transmit power control along which the distance between the RSU and on-board vehicular units(OBU)is determined i.e., power consumption is reduced when at least distance. Hence the RSU provides Distance Cautious Internet Protocol (DCIP) to the OBU for internet access.This paper analyses the WAVE standard and its support of IP based applications, and proposesDistance Cautious Internet Protocol in WAVE(DCIP-WAVE).
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