Perception of Medical Staff VIS-A-VIS the Stigma Patients with Mental Disorders

The aim is to show the perception of healthcare professionals on stigma and discrimination against patients with mental disorders in Moldova - Romania. Methods: The study is prospective, quantitative, descriptive type questionnaire applied to medical personnel during the period July 2012-July 2013 in medical centers in Iasi, Suceava, Botosani, Vaslui. It had population of 217 research staff members involved in patient with mental disorders: psychiatrists, psychologists, family physicians, clinicians from other specialties. The questionnaire covered all stages from pre-test, review, validation and application in their final form. The results were statistically processed for each item, showing the correlations later responses to questions based on different characteristics of study groups. Discussion: Stigma is a modifiable risk factor by removing avoidant coping strategies. Between stigma and mental health professionals there is a complex relationship in which they can be stigmatized, stigmatized and important partners in the fight against stigma. Stigma can be reduced through education, protest, legislative reform. Conclusions: Medical staff believes that psychiatric patient is discriminated and stigmatized. The subject of non-discrimination is an ambitious challenge in Romania, an EU member country. Keywords: Health care, Social stigma, Mental disorder
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