Embolización superselectiva de angiomiolipoma renal: presentación de un caso

INTRODUCCION: Los angiomiolipomas renales son tumores benignos infrecuentes. Tanto la observacion periodica como el tratamiento quirurgico y la embolizacion arterial selectiva son modalidades validas para el manejo de dichas lesiones, teniendo en cuenta su tamano y la sintomatologia del paciente en cuestion. OBJETIVOS: Presentar un caso de angiomiolipoma renal, asi como el tratamiento utilizado. PRESENTACION DEL CASO: Paciente masculino de 65 anos de edad, quien asistio a consulta por dolor lumbo-abdominal intenso del lado derecho. En el ultrasonido se constato imagen tumoral hiperecogenica con densidad grasa en la cara anterior y parte media del rinon derecho. La lesion fue corroborada mediante tomografia axial computarizada, y presentaba las caracteristicas tipicas del angiomiolipoma, con aproximadamente siete centimetros de diametro. Se realizo la embolizacion superselectiva mediante una tecnica mixta de gelfoam y alcohol absoluto. El paciente no presento ninguna complicacion. Se ha mantenido asintomatico y en la evolucion tomografica, realizada a los seis meses de la embolizacion, se constato la disminucion del tamano de la lesion y de su porcion angiomiogenica. CONCLUSIONES: La embolizacion superselectiva de los angiomiolipomas renales sintomaticos constituye una opcion de tratamiento electivo segura y minimamente invasiva, que permite la conservacion de la unidad renal INTRODUCTION: The renal angiomyolipomas are uncommon benign tumors. As much the periodical observation like a surgical treatment as the selective arterial embolization are valid modalities for the management of such lesions, taking into account its size and the symptoms of patient as regards. OBJECTIVES: To present a case of renal angiomyolipoma, as well as the treatment applied. CASE PRESENTATION: A male patient aged 65 who came to consultation due to intensive lumboabdominal pain in right side. In ultrasound (US) it was possible to verify a hyperechogenic tumor image with fat density in the anterior face and in the middle part of right kidney. The lesion was corroborated by computed axial tomography with the typical features of an angiomyolipoma of approximately seven centimeters of diameter. A Overselective embolization was carried out by means of a mixed technique of Gelfoam and absolute alcohol. There was not complication and the patient has remained asymptomatic and in the tomography course carried out at 6 months of embolization, there was a decrease in the lesion size and of its angiomyogenic. CONCLUSIONS: The Overselective embolization of symptomatic renal angiomyolipomas is a safe and minimally invasive option of the elective treatment allowing the conservation of renal unit
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