Influence of body mass index and sedentary lifestyle in clinical control and health related quality of life in moderate and severe asthmatics

A sedentary lifestyle has been associated with obesity in general population. In addition, obese asthmatics have worse clinical control and health related quality of life (HRQL) than non-obese; however, the influence of sedentary lifestyle in asthmatics remains unknown. Aim: To assess the influence of daily life physical activity (DLPA) and body mass index in clinical control and HRQL in moderate and severe asthmatic adults. Methods: This cross sectional study assessed asthmatic patients for body mass index (BMI, kg/m2), DLPA during 5 days (accelerometer Power Walker-610, Yamax), clinical control (asthma control questionnaire, ACQ) and HRQL (asthma quality of life questionnaire).Patients were analyzed categorically according to DLPA, BMI and ACQ and the comparison between groups was evaluated by t-test. Results: Sedentary patients (7,166±1,736steps/day) presented a higher number of asthmatics with non-controlled status (ACQ=1.7±0.9 vs. 1.4±0.9score) and had higher BMI (33.7±6.2 vs. 29.2±4.8kg/m2) compared to physically active patients (14,416±3,999steps/day), respectively. In addition, obese asthmatics (36.1±2.7kg/m2) presented higher number of sedentary (8,801±3,143 vs. 12,630±5,591steps/day) and non-controlled patients (ACQ=1.7±0.9 vs. 1.3±0.8score) than non-obese asthmatics (25.3±2,8kg/m2), respectively. HRQL was influenced by clinical control (4.7±1,0 in controlled vs. 3.6±1,2score in non-controlled patients) but not by obesity or DLPA. Conclusion: Our data suggest that sedentary lifestyle and BMI influence in clinical control in patients with moderate and severe asthma.
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