Delayed Guillain-Barré Syndrome after Bariatric Surgery: A Report of Three Cases

Surgeries carry a risk of complications. Polyneuropathies, including Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), are potential complications of bariatric surgery. The incidence of these conditions is expected to increase as these surgeries become increasingly popular. We present a case report of three patients who developed a polyneuropathy after bariatric surgery. GBS was diagnosed in each patient, with nutritional deficiencies being suspected as a contributing factor. All patients began a 5-day intravenous immunoglobulin course in addition to receiving rehabilitative support, multivitamins, intravenous thiamine, vitamin D (therapeutic dose), and selenium. The patients’ symptoms improved but did not completely resolve. GBS can be a complication of bariatric surgery. Although a clear cause-effect relationship cannot be established for the present cases, the cumulative literature on the subject suggests that it is important to include it as a potential risk when counseling patients for such surgeries.
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