The evaluation of bone age in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy on long-term glucocorticoid treatment

of muscle strength and function in DMD. However, they have many side effects; cushingoid features, obesity, growth retardation, behavioural issues, delayed puberty. Bone demineralisation and its associated increased risk of fracture to long bones and more notably lumbar vertebrae is a major issue. Bushby et al. proposed a set of recommendations for the care and management of boys with DMD. These recommendations were adopted by NICE in 2011. Part of those recommendations was that bone mineral density needs to be closely monitored. This would allow interventions to be implemented to preserve bone integrity and mitigate the risk of fracture. We present retrospective data on our DMD population; ‘time to first DEXA scan’ and ’12 monthly interval DEXA scans’ as recommended now by the guidelines; 18% did not have a DEXA scan within 6 months of starting glucocorticoids; 100% – 1 occasion of not receiving a DEXA scan within a 12 month period; 72% – 2 occasions over the 12 month threshold;18% – 4 occasions over the 12 month threshold; the longest period between DEXA scans was 4 years and the shortest 1 year and 4 months. These results will be compared to the non-fractured group pre-guidelines.
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