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and withdrawal. In view of the potential of TN-OGD to improve patient experience and remove the need for sedation, TN-OGD is increasingly being considered as an alternative to C-OGD. Aims and Methods: The SCENT trial aims to investigate the patient experience, feasibility, safety and diagnostic capability of TN-OGD as compared to C-OGD. A total of 180 patients referred to St Mark’s Hospital for a diagnostic OGD will be recruited over a period of 6 months. Patients fulfilling the study criteria to date were randomised to TN-OGD or C-OGD. Standard (10cm) visual analogue scales (VAS) and Likert (5 point) scales were used to record patient experience and comfort, diagnostic capability and overall feasibility of the procedures. Patient safety was assessed by recording vital parameters during and post-procedure. Doses of sedation and local anaesthetic, duration of patient preparation and of the procedure itself and recovery were also documented. The endoscopic views of each procedure were digitally recorded for evaluation of diagnostic capability by a panel of expert endoscopists. Results: Although the SCENT trial has only recently commenced recruitment (nZ20), preliminary analyses of data demonstrate statistically significant differences between TN-OGD and C-OGD groups. VAS scores for overall patient discomfort (where a higher score Z more discomfort) were significantly lower in the TN-OGD group compared to those of the C-OGD group (2.11 vs. 4.54 respectively, p!0.05). Recovery times for patients undergoing TN-OGD were significantly lower than for patients who had undergone C-OGD (6.2 vs. 26.9 mins respectively, p!0.001). There was no significant difference between the overall diagnostic capability VAS for TN-OGD and C-OGD scores (8.80 vs. 8.76, respectively, pZ0.70). Conclusion: The preliminary results of the SCENT trial echoes the findings of other international studies and indicates that in a UK setting, diagnostic TN-OGD may be a feasible alternative to COGD with a significant mprovement in procedure comfort for patients as well as reduced recovery times post-procedure.
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