Quality of Lead Aprons in the Operating Department

Aims We set out to inspect the quality of the lead aprons in the theatre department to determine whether they provided sufficient protection from ionising radiation to the wearer during fluoroscopic operations.  Methods All the lead aprons in the theatre department were inspected on separate dates, set two years apart (19 th December 2011 and 18 th December 2013). The lead aprons were assessed jointly by a doctor and two medical physics personnel who agreed to a standard protocol of assessment that was in accordance to the Ionising Radiations Regulations guidelines.  Results In December 2011, a total of 46 lead aprons were examined with the lead equivalence being unsatisfactory in 21.7%. Storage of the aprons was unsatisfactory in 15% and 74% were visibly dirty. In total, 70% of the gowns were deemed unfit for further use and therefore discarded and replaced at a cost in excess of £35,000. In December 2013, 51 lead aprons were examined, and despite there being an improvement in the lead equivalence (98% had an identifiable lead equivalence of 0.35mm), 18% were deemed unfit for further use. Storage was unsatisfactory in 23% with 78% of aprons being contaminated on adenosine triphosphate testing.  Conclusions Care of the lead aprons is vital as misuse damages the aprons and ultimately renders them unfit for further use. This poses an occupational hazard for other users and may have significant financial implications for the institute. Users need to be educated on how to care for their lead aprons in order to ensure that their longevity and protective capacity is kept.
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