enCeFALitiS PoR CiStiCeRCoSiS CeReBRAL: A PRoPÓSito de 6 CASoS Con eStUdio AnAtoMoPAtoLÓGiCo enCePHALitiS FoR CeReBRAL CYStiCeRCoSiS. in FACt oF 6 CASeS WitH AnAtoMoPAtHoLoGiCAL StUdY

Multiple parenchymal cystic neurocysticercosis in the degenerative stage can lead to a clinical picture following an acute or subacute course of reserved prognosis, frequent among children, known as cysticercotic encephalitis since 1983. We have determined that encephalitis is not uncommon in adults by doing a retrospective analysis of 6 cases out of a series of 64 patients with anatomopathological studies. Besides, we have demonstrated that encephalitis can occur in the context of a multiple parenchymal cystic neurocysticercosis in the vesicular or viable stage, it can be preceded by epileptic seizures for many years and can have a chronic course. On the other hand, a multiple parenchymal cystic neurocysticercosis can reach the final calcified stage, causing only seizures. Anatomopathologically this condition is an edematous encephalitis.
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