Clinical and serological features of juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus in an italian tertiary centre of pediatric rheumatology

38 (36.5%) patients, were an important cause of morbidity. Oral ulcers and serositis were found in 27 (25.9%) and 25 (24%) patients respectively. Neurologic involmentent occurred in 20 (19.2%) patients. Seizures were observed in 8 (7.6%) patients. Infections remain a major problem in morbidity: serious infective manifestations occurred in 21 (20.1%) patients. Avascular necrosis of bone occurred in 7 (6.7%) patients, 3 of whom suffered more than 1 episode. Six (5.7%) patients developed steroid induced cataract. Tendon ruptures were observed in 4 (3.8%) patients. Growth failure and established osteoporosis, resulting from prolonged corticosteroid treatment in chronically active disease, were unfrequent but severe complications in our jSLE series occurring respectively in 8 (7.6%) and 5 (4.8%) patients. Cushingoid features and striae rubrae were frequent problems observed in 17 (16.3%) patients, due to disease itself and/or its treatment, that caused increased psychological distress, particularly in adolescents. Finally there were 4 deaths. Two due to infection complications and two due to myocardial infarction.
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