Мультиспиральная компьютерная томография в оценке проходимости коронарных шунтов после операции аортои маммарно-коронарного шунтирования у пациентов высокого хирургического риска

Evaluate the patency of aorto-coronary and mammarno-coronary bypass grafts by MSCT in patients with high surgical risk, in the early and late periods after CABG surgery. The study included 85 patients who underwent CABG surgery. All patients underwent MSCT in 1.5-3 months after surgery (1 point) and after 9-12 months (2 point). According to the MSCT at early postoperative period 21.7 % of occluded venous bypass grafts, 0.3 % of mammary grafts and 16 % of significant stenoses of venous bypasses were found. At the 2 control point 7 % of occluded vein grafts and 0.4 % of significant stenoses of the venous grafts was determined, stenotic changes in mammary grafts were not detected.
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