The relationship of urinary and plasma androgens to steroid receptors and menopausal status in breast cancer patients and their influence on survival.

The relationships between urinary 11-desoxy-17-oxo steroids (11-DOS), the ratio of 11-DOS to urinary 17-hydroxycorticosteroids (urinary discriminant ratio), plasma levels of the adrenal androgens dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA), DHA sulphate (DHAS), and 7α-hydroxy DHA (7αDHA), and tumour oestrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) status were examined in pre, peri-, and postmenopausal women with breast cancer. Androgenic steroids and their metabolites decreased with age in women with breast cancer. In perimenopausal women there was a significant association of PR positive tumours and high androgen levels, whereas in postmenopausal women high androgen levels were associated with ER negative tumours. Survival was significantly related to plasma DHA level and tumour steroid receptor status. Thus, adrenal androgen levels below the group mean were associated with significantly decreased survival in women with postmenopausal receptor-positive tumours, and the association was particularly apparent in those who were axillary node negative. Since the number of patients studied was small these results should be regarded as provisional in nature. Nonetheless, the identification of this subgroup of node negative breast cancer women with reduced survival may be important when considering node negative patients for adjuvant therapy.
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