Anatomical rationale for surgical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia combined with cerebellopontine angle tumors

: Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) can be combined with tumors of the cerebellopontine angle (CPA). The optimal surgical management in these cases depends on the anatomical relationship of the trigeminal nerve root (TNR) with tumors and vessels. The purpose of this study is to evaluate variants of the anatomical relationship between the TNR and the surrounding structures as well as to analyze the results of using various surgical techniques for treatment of TN in CPA tumors. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We performed a retrospective analysis of 51 patients (38 females and 13 males aged 22 to 77 years) with TN and ipsilateral CPA tumors. Space-occupying lesions were represented by 29 meningiomas of the petrous apex, 11 epidermoids, 9 vestibular schwannomas, 1 hemangioma, and 1 cavernoma. RESULTS: Intraoperatively, we identified 6 types of the anatomical relationships among the TNR, tumors, and CPA vessels: type I - the TNR is completely surrounded by the tumor (4 epidermoids); type II - the tumor compresses and displaces the TNR (21 meningiomas, 4 schwannomas, and 6 epidermoids); type III - the tumor occurs inside the TNR (1 cavernoma); type IV - the tumor together with the vessel compresses the TNR (3 meningiomas and 1 epidermoid); type V - the tumor displaces the TNR towards the vessel (5 meningiomas and 5 schwannomas); type VI - the tumor does not contact the TNR that is compressed by the vessel (1 hemangioma). Preoperative MRI and intraoperative findings revealed compression and deformity of the brain stem at the TNR entry level in all but two patients. Vascular compression of the TNR (usually by the superior cerebellar artery) was found in 15 of 51 patients. Microvascular decompression (MVD) was performed using various techniques: interposition of implants between vessels and the TNR, transposition of the compressing vessels from the TNR, or transposition of the nerve root. In all patients, except 1, pain syndrome regressed immediately after tumor removal and MVD. In 1 case, the pain syndrome did not regress after total removal of epidermoid and MVD, and TN was resolved by percutaneous radiofrequency rhizotomy. Long-term postoperative follow-up results showed complete elimination of TN in all cases; there were no persistent neurological complications and postoperative mortality. CONCLUSION: TN may result from direct compression and deformation of the TNR and brain stem by CPA tumors. In some cases, the cause of TN is combined compression of the TNR by the tumor and vessels. Assessment of the neurovascular relationships requires detailed examination of the entire TNR after tumor removal. In the case of vascular compression of the TNR, various MVD techniques can be used for treatment of TN.
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