Effects of biostimulator and leaf fertilizers on Prunus mahaleb L. stockplants and their cuttings

The effect of Kelpak ® biostimulator, Wuxal ® Ascofol and Pentakeep ® -V leaf fertilizers were tested on Prunus mahaleb L. 'Bogdany' stockplants. Shoot production and characteristics, rooting and quality of their cuttings were evaluated. Biostimulator and fer- tilizers were sprayed four times on leaves before cuttings were taken. The number and fresh masses of the shoots, cutting weights, leaf chlorophyll indexes (SPAD) and indole- 3-acetic-acid (IAA) levels in shoot tip were measured on stockplants. Rooting rates, IAA--levels in the rooting zone of cuttings, fresh and dry masses of rooted cuttings, both weights of the root and shoot were measured. Based on these results Kelpak ® pretreat- ment could be considered as the most effective in improving the productivity of Prunus mahaleb L. stockplants, leaf chlorophyll indexes and IAA-level in shoot tip of stockplant and in cutting base. The stockplant pretreatment by Kelpak ® increased both the single shoot mass and consequently the fresh mass of prepared cuttings. While these pretreat- ments alone did not affect the rooting rate, the pretreatment of shoots by Kelpak ® and Pentakeep ® -V increased the dry mass production of cuttings during rooting. Kelpak ® pre- treatment affected the root dry mass positively, while Pentakeep ® -V increased the shoot
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