In Vitro Evaluation of Fluoride in Saliva After Topical Application of Professional Use Products

Objective: To evaluate in vitro the presence of fluoride in saliva after applying professional use products on the surface of dental enamel.  Material and Methods: Experimental groups were composed by: Cariostatic 12% (CA), Fluoridated Varnish 5% (FV), Fluorine Acidulate Gel 1.23% (AG) and Fluorine Neutral Gel 2% (NG). Fluoridated dentifrice (FD) and Artificial Saliva (AS) were used as controls. Products (10  μ L) were applied to the surface of bovine enamel blocks (4×4×1 mm, n = 18) and immersed in 10 mL of artificial saliva at room temperature. Aliquots of artificial saliva (750  μ L) of each sample were collected 1, 2, 4, 8, 24 and 48 hours after application of the products. Analyses were performed in triplicate, using a fluoride ion-specific electrode coupled to a potentiometer. The equipment was calibrated using a standard curve for fluoride analysis from 0.125 to 64  μ gF-/mL.  Results: Greater fluoride concentration ( μ gF-/mL) was observed after 1h application, as follows: 197.40 (NG), 172.21 (AG), 20.25 (CA), 14.49 (FV) e 11.81 (FD). Fluoride concentration increased overtime for all groups. After 48h, the following fluoride concentrations were assessed: 428.12 (AG), 267.25 (NG), 65.36 (FV), and 62.52 (CA).  Conclusion: Greater fluoride release was observed for AG and NG groups, mostly after 1h application.
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