Estrés académico, ansiedad y niveles de proteína C reactiva: Revisión de la literatura

Objetivo: Realizar una revision de la literatura para evidenciar la relacion que existe entre los niveles de estres academico, la ansiedad y los niveles de proteina C reactiva en estudiantes de medicina. Materiales y metodos: Se realizo una busqueda sistematica de la literatura publicada en PubMed y Google Scholar mediante las pautas de la declaracion PRISMA y los descriptores en ciencias de la salud “academical stress”, “anxiety”, “C-reactive protein” y “medical students” obtenidos del MeSH, combinados entre si con los operadores booleanos “+” y “and”. Se empleo GoPubMed® a traves de la combinacion de las palabras clave “academical stress and anxiety and medical students”, para identificar las tendencias de publicacion en este tema. Resultados: Se encontraron un total de 8 estudios observacionales descriptivos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusion, que fueron publicados entre 2010 y 2015, y que diagnosticaron los niveles de estres y ansiedad para correlacionarlos con inflamacion sistemica a traves de los niveles de proteina C reactiva (PCR) en sangre. Ademas, se pudo identificar una vision general de la tendencia global de interes de publicacion de estudios que asociaron el estres, la ansiedad y los niveles de PCR, encontrando que se han publicado aproximadamente 60 articulos desde 2001 hasta febrero del 2017, la gran mayoria publicados en revistas medicas de tematicas variadas. Conclusiones: De acuerdo a la revision de la literatura, el estres y la ansiedad tienen la capacidad de activar los procesos inflamatorios y aumentar los niveles de PCR en sangre. Palabras clave: Estres academico, ansiedad, proteina C reactiva. Abstract: Aim: Review published literature that relates the levels of academic stress and anxiety with levels of C-reactive protein in medical students. Materials and methods: We performed a systematic research of the published literature in PubMed and Google Scholar using the PRISMA statement guidelines and the descriptors in health sciences “academical stress”, “anxiety”, “C- Reactive protein” and “medical students,” obtained from the MeSH, adjunct with the Boolean operators “+” and “and”. GoPubMed® was used with the combination of the keywords “academic stress and anxiety and medical students”, in order to identify the trending of publications about this subject. Results: A total of eight observational descriptive studies that met the inclusion criteria were found, which were published between 2010 and 2015, and that correlated the levels of stress and anxiety with systemic inflammation through levels of C-reactive protein (PCR) in blood. In addition, it was possible to identify an overview of the global trending of publication interest of studies that associated stress, anxiety and CRP levels, finding that approximately 60 articles were published from 2001 to February 2017, the vast majority published in medical journals of varied themes. Conclusions: According to the literature reviewed, stress and anxiety have the ability to activate inflammatory processes and increase blood CRP levels. Key words: Academic stress, anxiety, C-reactive protein.
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