Effect of gastrectomy on release of gut hormones

: We investigated the effect of gastrectomy on the digestive system in 87 postoperative long-term survivors under test meal or egg yolk load. After test meal, gastrin and secretin responses were decreased in each of groups of proximal gastrectomy (PG), distal gastrectomy with Billroth-I (DG-B1), that with Billroth-II (DG-B2), total gastrectomy with interposition (TG-I), and that with Roux-Y (TG-RY). However, sufficient acid-secretors after partial gastrectomy showed secretin responses comparable to controls. Furthermore, cases of total gastrectomy given betain-hydrochloride with test meal increased secretin responses. Serum glucose response was higher in the TG-RY group while insulin response was high in the TG-RY and DG-B2 groups, compared with controls. GLI response was high in all groups compared with controls. Postgastrectomy gallstone occurred in 11.6%. Yolk-induced contraction of the gallbladder was decreased, and CCK release increased, for several years postoperatively. Gallbladder contraction with CCK was reduced for one year postoperatively. The contraction was reduced in persons with gallstone than those without it. This study shows that the digestive function after gastrectomy depends on acidification and duodenal passage of food, and that reduced contraction with CCK plays an important role in hypokinesis of the gallbladder.
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