Photoswitching of a Thermally Unswitchable Molecular Magnet Cu(hfac)2Li-Pr Evidenced by Steady-State and Time-Resolved Electron Paramagnetic Resonance

Most photoswitchable molecular magnets exhibit thermally induced switching, as is typical of spin crossover (SCO), valence tautomerism and SCO-like phenomena. We report a rare case of a copper-nitroxide based molecular magnet Cu(hfac)2Li-Pr that does not exhibit quantitative SCO-like behavior in the temperature range of its chemical stability (2–350 K); however, it can be switched to a metastable thermally inaccessible spin state via visible/near-IR light at cryogenic temperatures. By means of photogeneration, unique information on this otherwise unobservable spin state has been obtained using steady-state Q-band (34 GHz) and time-resolved W-band (94 GHz) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. In particular, we have found that the electronic structure and relaxation properties of the photoinduced state in Cu(hfac)2Li-Pr are very similar to those in its sister compound Cu(hfac)2Ln-Pr that is thermally switchable and has been exhaustively characterized by many analytical methods, previously. Th...
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