Preliminary study about therapeutical contact lenses use

THE AIM OF THE PAPER: The goal of the paper is to emphasize the advantages of the application of therapeutical contact lenses as compared to the eye patch. MATERIAL AND METHOD: There have been taken into study 42 patients-43 eyes, to whom we applied therapeutical contact lenses. RESULTS AND DEBATES: In the studied cases there have been taken into discussion the type of corneal diseases, the treatment prescribed, the period of time that the lenses have been worn and the possible complications. There have been prevailed herpetic keratopathies (12 cases), edemato-bullous keratopathies--aphakic and pseudophakic (12 cases), followed by recurrent corneal erosions (4 cases), full thickness corneal and corneoscleral lacerations (4 cases) and alkali chemical corneo-conjunctival burns of II-nd/III-rd degree and III-rd degree. CONCLUSIONS: 1. The wearing of therapeutical contact lens determined the improvement of the pain, of the eye discomfort and the corneal epithelium healing. 2. A therapeutical alternative clearly superior to the occlusive eye patch, the therapeutical contact lens limits the indications of tarsorrhaphy and conjunctival flap. 3. The therapeutical contact lens find their usefulness in a tectonic aim until the final surgical solution.
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