Immobilisation of electrochemically active bacteria on screen-printed electrodes for rapid in situ toxicity biosensing

Abstract Microbial biosensors can be an excellent alternative to classical methods for toxicity monitoring, which are time-consuming and not sensitive enough. However, bacteria typically connect to electrodes through biofilm formation, leading to problems due to lack of uniformity or long device production times. A suitable immobilisation technique can overcome these challenges. Still, they may respond more slowly than biofilm-based electrodes because bacteria gradually adapt to electron transfer during biofilm formation. In this study, we propose a controlled and reproducible way to fabricate bacteria-modified electrodes. The method consists of an immobilisation step using a cellulose matrix, followed by an electrode polarization in the presence of ferricyanide and glucose. Our process is short, reproducible and led us to obtain ready-to-use electrodes featuring a high-current response. An excellent shelf-life of the immobilised electrochemically active bacteria was demonstrated for up to one year. After an initial 50% activity loss in the first month, no further declines have been observed over the following 11 months. We implemented our bacteria-modified electrodes to fabricate a lateral flow platform for toxicity monitoring using formaldehyde (3%). Its addition led to a 59% current decrease approximately 20 min after the toxic input. The methods presented here offer the ability to develop a high sensitivity, easy to produce, and long shelf life bacteria-based toxicity detectors.
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