Postburn Neck Reconstruction With Preexpanded Upper Back Perforator Flaps: Free-Style Design and An Update of Treatment Strategies

BACKGROUND: For extensive postburn neck deformities, the preexpanded flaps in the upper back region were used and gained a uniform skin appearance and esthetic contours. Free-style perforator-based free-tissue transfer that represents the most recent advance in reconstructive surgery may provide more versatility of these flaps. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 31 patients treated at our institution for postburn neck contracture from March 2010 to May 2016. Various upper back flaps were designed according to the dominant perforators and the shape of the defect after fully releasing the neck contracture. RESULTS: Thirty-one patients received neck reconstructions with the versatile applications of the preexpanded upper back perforator flaps. Tip necrosis was observed in one case, and the others survived completely. The donor sites were all primarily closed. No incision dehiscence was observed. CONCLUSION: The free-style design has significantly increased the potential and versatility of the upper back flaps in reconstruction of severe neck scar contracture.
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