Нейрофизиологические и морфологические эффекты воздействия вибрации в динамике постконтактного периода при экспериментальном моделировании

Introduction. Vibration disease continues to occupy one of the leading places in the structure of professional pathology. In workers after the termination of contact with vibration generalization and progression of violations in an organism is noted. The pathogenetic mechanisms of the progredient course of disturbances in the nervous system in the post-contact period of vibration exposure remain insufficiently studied. The aim of the study was to test an experimental model of vibration exposure to assess the neurophysiological and morphological effects of vibration in rats in the dynamics of the post-contact period. Materials and methods. The work was performed on 168 white male outbred rats aged 3 months weighing 180–260 g. The vibration effect was carried out on a 40 Hz vibrating table for 60 days 5 times a week for 4 hours a day. Examination of animals was performed after the end of the physical factor, on the 30th, 60th and 120th day of the post-contact period. To assess the long-term neurophysiological and morphofunctional effects of vibration in rats, we used indicators of behavioral reactions, bioelectric activity of the somatosensory zone of the cerebral cortex, somatosensory and visual evoked potentials, parameters of muscle response, morphological parameters of nervous tissue. Results. In the dynamics of the post-contact period observed the preservation of violations of tentatively research, motor and emotional components of behavior. In the Central nervous system instability of activity of rhythms of an electroencephalogram, decrease in amplitude of visual evoked potentials, lengthening of latency of somatosensory evoked potentials, decrease in total number of normal neurons and astroglia is established. In the peripheral nervous system remained changes in indicators: increasing duration and latency, reducing the amplitude of the neuromuscular response. Conclusions: The experimental model allows us to study the long-term neurophysiological and morphological effects of vibration on the body. The formation and preservation of changes in behavioral activity, neurophysiological and morphological effects of vibration from the 30th to the 120th day of the post-contact period were confirmed.
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