Apendicitis aguda como debut de enfermedad de crohn.

espanolEl leiomiosarcoma digestivo es una neoplasia poco comun, siendo el lugar de asentamiento mas frecuente el estomago, seguido del intestino delgado (ileon). Solo el 3% de los casos afectan al colon. En este ultimo caso habria que hacer un diagnostico diferencial fundamentalmente con el adenocarcinoma de colon. Su diagnostico es histologico con necesidad de inmunohistoquimica, y su tratamiento curativo consiste en la cirugia, habiendo demostrado la quimio y radioterapiapocobeneficio.Supronosticoespobre,yaquelarecidivatras la cirugia y la diseminacion hematogena son frecuentes. EnglishGastrointestinal leiomyosarcoma is a rare neoplasm, the stomach being the most frequent site of settlement, followed by the small intestine (ileum). Only 3% of cases affect the colon. In the latter case, a differential diagnosis would have to be made, fundamentally with colon adenocarcinoma. Its diagnosis is histological with the need for immunohistochemistry, and its curative treatment consists of surgery, with chemo and radiotherapy having shown little benefit. Its prognosis is poor, since recurrence after surgery and hematogenous dissemination are frequent.
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