Smart Fluid System Dually Responsive to Light and Electric Fields: An Electrophotorheological Fluid

Electrophotorheological (EPR) fluids, whose rheological activity is dually responsive to light and electric fields (E fields), is formulated by mixing photosensitive spiropyran-decorated silica (SP-sSiO2) nanoparticles with zwitterionic lecithin and mineral oil. A reversible photorheological (PR) activity of the EPR fluid is developed via the binding and releasing mechanism of lecithin and merocyanine (MC, a photoisomerized form of SP) under ultraviolet (UV) and visible (VIS) light applications. Moreover, the EPR fluid exhibits an 8-fold higher electrorheological (ER) performance compared to the SP-sSiO2 nanoparticle-based ER fluid (without lecithin) under an E field, which is attributed to the enhanced dielectric properties facilitated by the binding of the lecithin and SP molecules. Upon dual application of UV light and an E field, the EPR fluid exhibits high EPR performance (ca. 115.3 Pa) that far exceeds its separate PR (ca. 0.8 Pa) and ER (ca. 57.5 Pa) activities, because of the synergistic contribut...
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