RRKM and master equation kinetic analysis of parallel addition reactions of isomeric radical intermediates in hydrocarbon flames

We have calculated the temperature-dependent rate coefficients of the addition reactions of butadien-2-yl (C4H5) and acroylyl (C3H3O) radicals with ethene (C2H4), carbon monoxide (CO), formaldehyde (H2CO), hydrogen cyanide (HCN), and ketene (H2CCO), in order to explore the balance between kinetic and thermodynamic control in these combustion-related reactions. For the C4H5 radical, the 1,3-diene form of the addition products is more stable than the 1,2-diene, but the 1,2-diene form of the radical intermediate is stabilized by an allylic delocalization, which may influence the relative activation energies. For the reactions combining C3H3O with C2H4, CO, and HCN, the opposite is true: the 1,2-enone form of the addition products is more stable than the 1,3-enone, whereas the 1,3-enone is the slightly more stable radical species. Optimized geometries and vibrational modes were computed with the QCISD/aug-cc-pVDZ level and basis, followed by single-point CCSD(T)-F12a/cc-pVDZ-F12 energy calculations. Our findi...
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