Визуализация радиовещания, паблики радиостанции и личные аккаунты радиоведущего в социальных сетях как факторы успешного продвижения радиостанции (на примере радиостанции «Комсомольская правда – Челябинск»)

The article is devoted to the analysis of the promotion of the radio «Komsomolskaya Pravda – Chelyabinsk» through the public pages of the radio station and the radio host's accounts in the most rated social networks for this broadcaster - YouTube, VKontakte and Instagram. The authors consider the most successful strategies for promoting the radio station on the YouTube channel, in two publics – «Komsomolskaya Pravda – Chelyabinsk» on VKontakte and «Komsomolskaya Pravda - Chelyabinsk – Sport» on VKontakte, as well as in the personal Instagram account of the radio sports program «Goals. Points. Seconds.» Alina Pokrovskaya (creative pseudonym A. A. Prisyazhnyuk). In the process of research, the authors of the article identify the most effective methods of working with the Internet audience of each of these social networks, both listeners and advertisers, so that the radio station could convert the Internet audience into regular listeners. The paper also pays attention to the issue of calculating the engagement rate of the audience of a radio station's public in social networks, the problem of its correspondence / inconsistency with the number of subscribers of the public. Today, the competent use of various Internet sites in the work of a radio station contributes to a significant increase in its audience. A radio that has active support of the Internet audience, knows and understands its needs and preferences, can flexibly adjust the subject matter, program content, broadcasting network and advertising content on the air. A modern radio station is a multimedia project that includes FM broadcasting, a YouTube channel, a website, and a developed podcasting platform, as well as the radio station's public pages and the accounts of its hosts on social networks, chats in messengers. And today, maintaining radio station communities on social networks, a website, YouTube channels, personal accounts of radio hosts, working in a visual radio format - all these skills are becoming the basic skills of a radio journalist in the digital space, on which the growth of the audience depends, and the increase in coverage, and the emergence of new advertisers, and the image of the radio station as a whole.
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