Diagnósticos de enfermería para pacientes con traumatismo craneoencefálico: revisión integradora

Introduction: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is any impact that affects the head region involving the scalp, skull, brain and blood vessels, affecting these structures. Nursing professionals play a fundamental role during the care of these patients.Objective: To list the Nursing Diagnoses (ND) of NANDA I that can be proposed for patients hospitalized with TBI.Method: Integrative literature review, performed at the following databases: LILACS, BDENF, IBECS, MEDLINE, CINAHL, SCOPUS and WEB OF SCIENCE, using the search terms: “Traumatismos Craniocerebrais/Craniocerebral Trauma”, “Diagnostico de Enfermagem/Nursing Diagnosis” and “Enfermagem/Nursing”. Articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish were included.Results: The selection included 12 articles. From the reading of the studies, based on the clinical characteristics and the basic needs affected by patients with TBI, 18 ND were listed, organized alphabetically and according to their domain in NANDA I.Final considerations: The findings of this research allowed characterizing important aspects related to the patient with TBI and bringing the literature approach on nursing diagnoses to this population. There is a gap in the investigations that address ND for patients with TBI, taking into account that a significant part of the studies report on the clinical manifestations perceived during nursing care and do not bring the elaborated diagnoses.
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