[Total Remnant Pancreatectomy for Remnant Pancreatic Carcinoma after Pancreaticoduodenectomy-A Report of Two Cases].

: We report 2 cases of total remnant pancreatectomy for remnant pancreatic carcinoma after pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD). Case 1 pertained to a 51-year-old man who underwent PD for pancreatic carcinoma(pT3N0, R0). Twenty-seven months later, he developed a remnant pancreatic cancer. Total remnant pancreatectomy was performed, but he died due to liver and lung metastases 27 months after the second surgery. Case 2 pertained to a 58-year-old women who underwent PD for papilla of Vater cancer(pT1N0, R0). Eight-four months later, she developed remnant pancreatic cancer, for which total remnant pancreatectomy was performed. She died due to liver metastasis 8 months after the second surgery. Pathological findings revealed recurrent carcinoma in both cases and carcinoma in situ with extensive intraductal growth to the branch in case 2. Both cases had no complications after total remnant pancreatectomy and achieved good quality of life(QOL). Longterm follow up after pancreatectomy is necessary for early diagnosis of remnant pancreatic carcinoma.
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