Plesni v notranjem okolju in možni učinki na zdravje

Izvlecek Plesni so veccelicne glive, ki so razsirjene povsod okrog nas – v notranjem in zunanjem okolju. Plesnim smo izpostavljeno prek vdihavanja, uživanja ali dotikanja. Povzrocajo ucinke na zdravje prek alergijskih mehanizmov, toksicnih ucinkov mikotoksinov, so dražljivci sluznicnih membran in povzrocajo okužbe dihal. V prispevku smo obravnavali možne ucinke plesni na zdravje prebivalcev in pripravili preventivna navodila ob pojavu plesni. Nacrtni pregled literature smo opravili v bibliografskih bazah Science Direct in PubMed v obdobju od leta 1985 do februarja leta 2015. Pregledali smo tudi spletne strani CDC (Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention) in EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). Z njih smo pridobili navodila, kako ravnati ob plesnivem notranjem okolju. Epidemioloske raziskave po svetu povezujejo alergijske bolezni dihal z razvojem astme in drugih alergijskih bolezni dihal. Novejse raziskave povezujejo imunski odziv na okoljske plesni in genetske dejavnike s pojavom alergijskih bolezni dihal. Nova spoznanja o ucinkih na zdravje bi lahko pomagala pri zdravljenju in preprecenju teh bolezni. Objavljene so tudi raziskave o toksicnih ucinkih mikotoksinov. Preventivni ukrepi za razvoj plesni v notranjem okolju so se vedno najpomembnejsi za dobrobit prebivalcev. Abstract Moulds are multicellular fungi that are ubiquitous in indoor and outdoor environment. Exposure to moulds can occur through inhalation, ingestion, and touching mouldy surfaces. Adverse health effects may occur through allergic, infectious, irritant, and toxic processes. In our review we elucidated some possible harmful mechanisms of moulds on the health of the population and some preventive recommendations. A systematic literature review was carried out in two bibliographic databases, Science Direct and PubMed, in the period from 1985 to February 2015. We also systematically reviewed the websites of CDC (Center for Diseases Control and Prevention) and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). Therefrom we derived recommendations for action in case of indoor moulds. Epidemiological studies all over the world have shown that mould sensitivity is associated with the development, persistence and severity of asthma and other respiratory allergic diseases. Recent studies suggest that host immune response to environmental moulds and genetic factors may play an important role in the development of allergic respiratory diseases. This new knowledge could help us to prevent and cure these diseases. There are also studies about the potential toxic reactions to mycotoxins. The prevention of mould development in indoor environment is still most important for the wellbeing of the population.
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