Single centre experience of chemosaturation percutaneous hepatic perfusion in the treatment of metastatic uveal melanoma.

e20000 Background: Uveal melanoma (UM) is a rare cancer with bleak prognosis. 50% of patients develop distant disease, mainly in the liver (90%), a mean survival of 6 months and 1-year survival rate of 15-20%. We have used chemosaturation percutaneous hepatic perfusion (PHP) to isolate the liver blood supply and deliver very high doses of melphalan to the liver. Previously, this has been reported to improve median hepatic progression free survival in a phase III study in metastatic UM but at the cost of significant mortality. We present our results of a large single centre experience of the treatment of UM using PHP in carefully selected patients. Methods: We analysed 22 consecutive patients (pts) (8 males; median age 51) who were planned for PHP treatment over a 30 month period. All were staged with contrast enhanced MRI, CT scan and laparoscopy with histological tumour confirmation. Data were collected for adverse events (AE), rates of survival, response and time to progression. Results: 2 pts could not...
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