Change in the Quality of the Chest Compression that is Practicable during Transport

Objectives: CPR during transportation has really important meaning for arrest patient. By that, authors of this paper consider many chest compression methods which can execute in ambulance during transportation. Methods/Statistical Analysis: This study was enforced from 15 th of September 2015 to 19 th of September 2015. Recruited subjects were executed randomly selected chest compression method without artificial respiration for 8 minutes as 2015 revised CPR guideline on practical manikin in private ambulance. To have same transportation condition, this research let only one driver to drive 4km distance from Namyeong elementary school in Busan Gangseo-gu with average 60∼70km/hr for every subjects. Findings: Observed average number of appropriate chest compression during continuous chest compression during 8 minutes seemed to be increased by time past. Average execution ratio of appropriate chest compression depth was getting decreased from all three groups. Also there was no statistical significant difference among all timeslots except 4∼6 minutes after initiating chest compression. For average execution ratio of Inappropriate relaxation of chest compression, chest compression with one hand seemed to have the most appropriate result among three groups and chest compression with knee shows the most inappropriate result among three groups. There was no significant difference among three groups for average execution of appropriate number of chest compression (p>.05). Also, there was no significant difference from each group for average execution of appropriate chest compression depth (p>.05). There was significant difference from 4 minutes to 6 minutes from three groups for average execution of inappropriate chest compression position (p<.05). there was significant difference among all time slots except period from start to 2 minutes (p<.05). Improvements/Applications: The results demonstrate that it is considerable to conduct the chest compression using the knee when transport takes time so that the quality of the pressure is very low.
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