How bank vole-PUUV interactions influence the eco-evolutionary processes driving nephropathia epidemica epidemiology: An experimental and genomic approach.

In Europe, Puumala virus (PUUV) is responsible for nephropathia epidemica (NE), a mild form of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFSR). Despite the presence of its reservoir, the bank vole, on most of French territory, the geographic distribution of NE cases is heterogeneous and NE endemic and non-endemic areas have been reported. In this study we analyzed whether bank vole-PUUV interactions could partly shape these epidemiological differences. We performed crossed-experimental infections using wild bank voles from French endemic (Ardennes) and non-endemic (Loiret) areas, and two French PUUV strains isolated from these areas. The serological response and dynamics of PUUV infection were compared between the four cross-infection combinations. We showed that the serological response and the presence of PUUV in excretory organs were more important in bank voles infected with the PUUV endemic strain. Moreover, the within-host viral diversity in excretory organs was higher than in other non-excretory organs for the NE endemic cross-infection, but not for the NE non-endemic cross-infection. Altogether, our results showed that genetically different PUUV strains, and in a lesser extent their interaction with sympatric bank voles, could affect virus replication and diversity. This could impact PUUV excretion/transmission between rodents and to humans, and in turn at least partly shape NE epidemiology in France.
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