Cardiomiopatía de tako-tsubo en un paciente con estenosis aórtica moderada. Caso clínico y revisión bibliográfica

Tako-tsubo syndrome (STT) or stress-induced cardiomyopathy is a cardiac condition with a clinical presentation similar to a myocardial infarction and specific features of this syndrome, such as: causes triggering of acute physical and / or psychic stress, ST segment changes, and T wave on the electrocardiogram, moderate elevation of myonecrosis biomarkers (ultrasensitive troponin), myocardial mobility disorder of the mid and apical segments of the left ventricle and coronary arteries without any evident angiographical lesions (obstruction or plaque rupture). This article will describe a female patient of 67 years old, who entered in the hospital due to oppressive precordial pain characteristic of an acute coronary syndrome, non-specific electrocardiographic changes of ischemia and normal coronary arteries, which we concluded with takotsubo syndrome; concomitantly moderate aortic stenosis secondary to a trival aortic valve with raphe confirmed by echocardiography; Clinical association is not described in medical literature. Later we will make a bibliographical review on the subject with emphasis on the diagnosis of this infrequent pathology.Key words: urethra, foreign body.
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