988 Anxiety among health care workers of a teaching hospital

An investigation in psychological suffering in all hospital workers of a teaching hospital has been conducted during one month. Population and methods Our population was composed of 5792 non medical professionals of a teaching universitary hospital. 1738 workers were randomly selected, and answered an online auto-questionnaire, consisting of 4 parts: socio-professional data; JCQ questionnaire (Karasek); HAD questionnaire and working experience scale. Data were collected on Sphinx Online R software and exploited on Excel, using Chi2 statistical test with p Results In this study, 822 questionnaires were exploitable, representing 47.3% of the population, and including 81.3% of women. The mean age was 41.8 years old, and workers were 84.3% permanent staff. Job strained staff represented 51.7% of the population, whereas 33.7% of the staff were in active. The overall isostrain was 31.6%. More permanent workers, nurse’s aide and hospital keener were job strained (p Conclusion Anxiety and depression prevalences were important in this study, in a hospital environment, and were higher than in general population. High level of psychological demand partly explained those prevalences.
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