Trigeminal sinir ozellikle maksillofasiyal cerrahi girisimler ya da bolgede olusan travmalar sonucu siklikla zarar gorebilmektedir. Sinir zedelenme riski tasiyan cerrahi islemler; gomulu dis cekimleri, fasiyal travmalar ve tedavileri, ortognatik cerrahi, dental implant cerrahisi, bas-boyun bolgesinde bulunan lezyonlarin tedavisi, preprotetik cerrahi islemler seklinde siralanabilir. Hastanin yasam kalitesini ciddi oranda dusuren bu istenmeyen durumla basa cikabilmek icin sinir uzerinde olusan hasar tipleri, nedenleri, teshisi ve tedavileri konusunda bilgi sahibi olunmalidir. Bu derlemede sinir hasarlari ve bu durumun hem girisimsel hem girisimsel olmayan tedavileri hakkinda mevcut kitap bilgileri ile guncel literatur bilgilerini harmanlanarak, bu bolgede calisan klinisyenlerin bilgi birikiminin arttirilmasi ve guncellenmesi amaclanmaktadir. Anahtar Kelimeler: sinir, sinir yaralanmalari, medikal tedavi, cerrahi tedavi NERVE INJURIES: CAUSES, DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENTS ABSTRACT Trigemnial nerve can often be damaged due to the maxillofacial surgical procedures or traumas occurring in this region. Surgical procedures with risk of nerve injury can be listed as; Facial traumas and treatments, orthognathic surgery, dental implant surgery, treatment of the lesions in the head and neck region, preprosthetic surgical procedures. Clinicians should have information about the types of nerve damage, its causes, diagnosis and treatments in order to cope with this undesirable situation which seriously decreases the quality of life of patients. In this review, it is aimed to increase and update the knowledge of clinicians who works in this region by blending current literature and current book information about nerve injuries and surgical and non-surgical treatment methods. Keywords: nerve, nerve injury, medical treatment, surgical treatment
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