The effect of ovarian wedge resection and incision on circulating gonadotropin in patients with polycystic ovarian disease.

Wedge resection (WR) was performed in 12 women with polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD), and Incision was done in 4 PCOD patients without any resection of ovarian tissue. Serum LH, FSH, estradiol-17beta (E2), progesterone, and urinary 17 ketosteroid (17KS) were measured serially before and after surgery. Neither WR nor Incision had any effect on FSH levels. Serum LH levels which had been hypergonadotropic preoperatively, became markedly lower 7--14 days after surgery in 12 wedge-resected and 2 incised patients. Within 7 days after WR there was a significant fall of E2 and a decrease of 17KS. In addition to those hormonal changes observed after WR, BBT charts turned out to be diphasic after the oral administration of dydrogesterone (Duphaston) in 12 out of 17 PCOD patients. The present data suggest that the reduction of the serum LH, induced by an interaction between the ovarian steroidogenesis and the suprapituitary mechanisms, might be involved in the occurrence of ovulation after WR in PCOD patients.
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