mink cell focus-forming virus. to retroviral RNA containing segments identical Normal expression of polymorphic endogenous

Summaryofhomologous relationships between the strain 129 endogenous contiguous sequence and viral sequences"No. of No. of nucleotide diffes nucleotide Nucleotide amino No. of no. of gapsRegion Region Nucleotideposition position SeuneSequence differences ~~~withinwtiwthndifferences dfencaidlgeddifferenceacid aligned introducedcreate to within (% difference nucleotides cralinentsynonymous different (7) alignments codons" codons po/ 1-360 E2 (15)' 4.8 313 1 S13 (3)' 3.2 94 0A12 2 1 0.8 0.8 360 0 MCF 247 2 1 0.8 0.8 360 0Mo-MCF 24 12 10.0 5.8 360 0 AKV 33 20 15.2 10.3 348 1gp7O 1-801 A12 1 3 0.7 1.6 564 0MCF247 1 3 0.5 1.1 801 0 Mo-MCF 2 7 1.1 2.6 801 0 802-1323 MCF247 44 26 13.5 8.7 519 1Mo-MCF 29 40 13.3 12.7 519 1 plSE 1-543 E2 (3)' 5.1 59 0S13 (3)' 8.3 36 0MCF247 75 33 20.0 10.0 540 1Mo-MCF 94 30 23.0 10.0 540 1 AKV 76 34 20.1 10.0 540 1 R-peptide 544-606 E2 (3)' 4.8 63 0S13 (1)' 1.6 63 0MCF247 3 1 6.3 4.8 63 0 Mo-MCF 7 12 33.3 31.6 57 1 AKV 6 7
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