Preliminary investigation of band-head energies and charge quadrupole moment of some rare-earth nuclei within mean-field approach

Spectroscopic properties of four odd-mass nuclei in the rare-earth region have been studied within the Hartree-Fock-plus-Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (HF-BCS) framework with self-consistent blocking using phenomenological SIII Skyrme parameters. The calculations were limited to axially symmetric nuclear shapes. In the BCS framework, the seniority force was used to approximate pairing interaction. The pairing strengths were determined by fitting the neutron and proton pairing strengths to experimental odd-even mass staggering (OES). The neutron and protons pairing strengths were found to be 16 MeV and 15 MeV, respectively. Comparison of intrinsic band-heads energies with existing experimental data were made for two odd-neutron (177Hf, 179Hf) and two odd-proton (177Lu, 179Ta) nuclei. The charge quadrupole moment of some even-even rare-earth nuclei were also evaluated.
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