PENDAHULUAN: Insiden keselamatan pasien menjadi salah satu indikator mutu pelayanan di rumah sakit. Monitoring variasi insiden sebagai kontrol dalam melakukan upaya perbaikan mutu dan keselamatan pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan informasi variasi dan persentase jumlah insiden berdasarkan sasaran keselamatan pasien di rumah sakit.  METODE: Penelitian ini suatu penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Rancangan penelitian dengan cross-sectional. Lokasi penelitian di rumah sakit tipe B Pendidikan di Kota Wates Kabupaten Kulon Progo. Populasi penelitian berupa laporan insiden tahun 2017. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariate.  HASIL: Berdasarkan hasil studi dokumentasi ditemukan berbagai variasi insiden berdasarkan sasaran keselamatan pasien, pada Sasaran Keselamatan Pasien (SKP) 1 terdapat 14 variasi insiden (31,88%, n=44), pada SKP 2 terdapat 8 variasi insiden (7,97%, n=11), pada SKP 3 terdapat 14 variasi insiden (41,30%, n=57), pada SKP 4 terdapat 3 variasi insiden (2,90%, n=4), pada SKP 5 terdapat 1 variasi insiden (1,45%, n=2), dan pada SKP 6 terdapat 6 variasi insiden (13,04%, n=18). KESIMPULAN: Monitoring perlu ditingkatkan terutama pada SKP 3 yang memiliki persentase insiden tertinggi.  Kata kunci: Insiden, Sasaran Keselamatan Pasien (SKP), Keselamatan Pasien, Mutu Pelayanan INTRODUCTION: The incidence of patient safety is one indicator of the quality of care in hospitals. Monitoring variations in incidents as controls in making efforts to improve quality and patient safety. This study aims to present information on variations and percentages of the number of incidents based on patient safety goals at the hospital.        METHOD: This research is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. Research design with cross-sectional. The location of the study in Type B Education hospitals in the City of Wates in Kulon Progo Regency. The study population was in the form of a 2017 incident report. Data analysis used univariate analysis.        RESULTS: Based on the results of the documentation study found a variety of incidents based on patient safety goals, in the Patient Safety (PS) Target 1 there were 14 variations in incidence (31.88%, n = 44), in PS 2 there were 8 variations of incidents (7.97%, n=11), in PS 3 there were 14 variations of incidents (41.30%, n = 57), in PS 4 there were 3 variation of incident (2.90%, n =4), in PS 5 there was 1 variation of incident ( 1.45%, n = 2), and in PS 6 there were 6 variation of incident (13.04%, n = 18).        CONCLUSION: Monitoring needs to be increased especially at PS 3 which has the highest percentage of incidents. Keywords: Incidents, Patient Safety (PS), Patient Safety Indicator, Service Quality
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