Тело как своеобразный фильтр соматических метафор (на материале русского, литовского и французского языков)

The article focuses on peculiarities of conceptualisation of somatisms phraseological field of the lingua-cultural concept “body”, concentrating namely on somatic phraseologisms containing such components as “head”, “ear”, “eye”, “nose”, “tongue” (i.e., the main perceptive organs of the surrounding environment) and also referring to their equivalents in the Lithuanian and French languages. The results of the analysis revealed that almost all the somatic phraseologisms, which contain the name of a certain part of the body, characterise the figurative (metonymical or metaphorical) meaning of the aforesaid somatism, whereas in rare cases, they were expressed in their direct meaning. Then conceptualisation, i.e., mental structurization of the objective reality occurs mainly following schemes and patterns of the human body, the body of an animal is employed less often and “the body” of a plant is even less frequently used, since representation of such realia of the surrounding world in linguistic units (in somatic phraseological units in this research) is seen by an individual as one of the easiest and most complete ways of perception. The understanding of world phenomena occurs namely through somatic linguistic units, which in phraseologisms converge with elements of human body, which are familiar to a human being since very childhood. This knowledge or its representations, which are received through understanding of phraseology (idiomatics), adds originality to the culture of each nation and makes it possible to differentiate one culture from other ones. Keywords: somatisms, conceptualisation, phraseological fild, microfild, Russian language, Lithuanian language, French language. DOI:  http://dx.doi.org/10.15823/zz.2014.016
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