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Liposarcoma mixoide retroperitoneal

El liposarcoma es una neoplasia maligna de origen mesodermico, que incide en el 10 al 14 % de todos los sarcomas de los tejidos blandos. Representa menos del 1 % de todos los tumores malignos. Se presenta un caso que acude a consulta por perdida de peso y sensacion de plenitud gastrica. Se palpo una masa tumoral de unos 15 cm, que abombaba el hemiabdomen izquierdo, de consistencia firme, superficie lisa y bordes regulares. Se realizo ultrasonido abdominal, tomografia axial computarizada simple y contrastada del abdomen que constatan la masa tumoral. Se realizo laparotomia exploradora media abdominal, supraumbilical e infraumbilical, con exeresis total de la masa tumoral y del rinon izquierdo, el cual parecia estar infiltrado por el tumor. El estudio histopatologico de la pieza informo liposarcoma mixoide. El paciente seis meses despues se mantenia asintomatico, con ganancia de peso y libre de recidiva tumoral la clinica y estudios evolutivos. El liposarcoma mixoide retroperitoneal es un tumor infrecuente, que no tiene sintomas caracteristicos. La tomografia axial computarizada constituye el estudio fundamental para el diagnostico imaginologico. El tratamiento de eleccion es la exeresis total del tumor, con margen de seguridad oncologico. Liposarcoma is a malignant neoplasia of mesodermal origin that affects 10 to14 % of all soft tissue sarcomas. It accounts for less than 1 % of all the malignant tumors. This is a patient who went to the physician's office because of weight loss and feeling of gastric plenitude. Fifteen centimeter long tumor of firm consistency, smooth surface and regular contours, which made the left hemiabdomen inflamed, was palpated. Ultrasound test of the abdomen, simple and contrasted computerized tomography of the abdominal region were performed and finally the tumor mass was detected. Additionally, supra and infraumbilical medial abdominal exploratory laparotomy was performed, with total excision of the tumor mass and of the left kidney that seemed to be affected by the tumor. The hispatological study of the sample reported the existence of myxoid liposarcoma. Six months after these procedures, the patient remained asymptomatic, gaining weight and free of tumor relapse according to the clinic and the progressive studies. Retroperitoneal myxoid liposarcoma is a rare tumor that has no characteristic symptoms. Computerized tomography is the fundamental study for the imaging-based diagnosis. The treatment of choice is total excision of tumor, with oncologic safety.
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